Over Fifty Says

Something changes after fifty. I find myself saying things and doing things, I never thought I would. Things I laughed at my Mother for saying or doing, I now find myself saying and doing. I'm almost fifty three and just recently lost a cousin who suffered with illness for a long time. It made me reflect on what I wanted to be remembered for. My cousin was a blogger, so I decided to use this venue to say what comes to mind. I invite other over fifty'ers to post and comment here as well. Keep it clean please. I detest foul language. I subscribe to the notion that cursing is an substitute for a limited vocabulary. Wow, something I would never have said in my pre-fifty days. But hey, things change. I know I have.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Your Health is Your Responsibility . . .

I often hear complaints about hospitals and doctors and often wonder why people blindly give their lives over to virtual strangers to "cure" them from their ailments. This just makes no sense to me. Having lost a sister to medical mistakes and a mother to cancer, having to diagnose my son's asthma myself and then convince the doctor that I wasn't insane in order to get him treated, having to take my dad out of a nursing home that had him on three different diuretics at the same time and recently hearing about my cousin's illness and the many hospital staff missteps that occured prior to his death, strengthens my resolve to stay on top of my health issues myself.

We have to take responsibility for our bodies. God gave them to us and we are to offer them back to Him. And I'm sure He's looking for the offering to be in better shape than most of us present (myself included) to Him.

We consistantly seek God for healing while we consistantly fill our bellies with trash. God has already healed our bodies. That was done at Calvary. To walk in it takes faith and faith needs works.

If you receive a diagnosis, research it, find out what causes it, what treatments are available, what works and what doesn't. Don't wait for your doctor to tell you what is next. The Bible say " Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Tim 2:15 Learn about what your body needs to be well and do what you need to do. God desires us to be in health. . . Apply the word to the situation, increase your faith, and do what your body needs you to do to be in health. Exercise, drink water, eat right, take vitamin and mineral supplements. We know this, but we seldom do it.

So many of us just go to the doctor, listen to what he says and blindly take medications that are slowly destroying us. Dr. C. Everett Koop, the former surgeon general, stated that 75% of those that die, die from avoidable nutritional factor diseases. That's diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, even cancer . . . All avoidable by changing the nutrition we put in our bodies. Folks we are literally eating and drinking ourselves to death.

"... We are fearfully, wonderfully made. Marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well." Ps 139:14 If our soul knows this truth then why do we seek the answers from doctors? Yes , they can help, but the responsibility for your health is yours and yours alone.

Take back your health, Study the word on healing to increase your faith; Study nutrition; learn what your body needs to make it well; Then DO IT !

If you receive a diagnosis, research it and then discuss your findings with your doctor and partner with him to get you well. Do not depend on him to be your miracle worker. God has already provided for your health in the word. Walking in Divine health requires giving your spirit the word it needs to believe and your body the nutrition it needs to heal and stay in health.